Wednesday, August 13, 2014

13 August 2014

What do I really know...

I haven't posted in a while...I cant say why exactly, probably just life!

Things get busy, we get consumed with all that is going on around us. We have fads in our seasons of life, we will dedicate our time to certain things in certain seasons and whether it is lack of interest or motivation, you land up not paying as much attention to things as you use to...

Anyway with that said, I love a simple life. I have an inquisitive mind and I like to know things and have knowledge but I am not a fan of over analysation...

I realize I get overwhelmed very easily when I have a lot of noise around me...on our way home from connect last night I said to my husband that I can actually feel my whole body tense up. And I will sit with my hands clutched tightly together or my toes curled in to help me stay calm if we are in public.
If I am at home, I will do what ever I have to do to make it stop. I'm not sure what it is really.
Sometimes if my husband puts his music on too loud and sings to it and the kids are playing in the background, giggling laughing and talking playfully...or whatever it is they are doing, even if I am sitting upstairs away from most of it but I can hear it slightly, all the noises together just create an atmosphere where I struggle to focus on something as simple as what I am trying to think about!

Anyway, we all have our quirks I suppose. I'm not going to let a silly little quirk get the best of me. I won't over analyze it nor will I spend too much time thinking about it...I recognize it and that's where the buck stops.

I keep thinking about this radio discussion yesterday and I am so glad I have the bible as my guide.
We can get so consumed with what is going on with the world.
I try and keep it simple with a verse like this...

John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

My husband and I watched Noah last night.
When it finished I wasn't sure how to feel about it because I wasn't sure how true the story was to that of the bible...I'm a woman of the word, so if you are going to depict a story from the bible, I want a true depiction...but before I made my mind up I wanted to delve into the Noah's ark version from the bible...and let me tell you I was pleasantly surprised.

I haven't finished researching all of it but what facinated me was the movies depiction of fallen angels, the stone "men" if you will. I was like nah, surely that's just been made up to spice up the movie. En vragies vra...what do I find!

I will save that for my next post I think, I want to delve into with precision and is so interesting.

I love the word of God.

I love God